Monday, June 13, 2011

The M Family

I had the pleasure of working with this beautiful family a few weekends ago!

 Full of life, and they are all so sweet!

We had a lot of fun exploring during our session!

I enjoyed the many smiles,

and laughter that came along with it!

The D Family

A mother's love for her son is pure and special.
It can not be broken or reckon with.

 It's a kind of love that softens even the hardest of hearts.
Love between mother and son is strong and visible from the sea.

It brings peace of mind and drys sad tears.
It can bring a man to his knees and make him weep.

A mother's love for her son is not hidden or shy,
but is ever lasting that grows stronger each day.

The P Family

Three of the sweetest little girls
 with smiles so bright
 they are sure to light up a room with
 glee and delight!

The D Twins

Little hands to SHARE,

 Little hands to CARE,

 Little hands to HOLD,


The R Family

He is his Mommy's little man.
This mini session captured a few very sweet moments,
and lots of laughs and hugs

The S Family

I spent a few hours with this lil cutie,
 he was definitely on the go.
 Just like every little boy I know.
 He is ready to explore the world,
 as long as his Mommy and doggie are at his side.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The P Family

These are great friends of mine,
I was honored to be able to capture some very sweet moments of them.

The W Family

I enjoyed every minute of this session. They make such a wonderful family, and little miss is so cute I could just eat her up!

The B Family

I had the pleasure of photographing
one of my best friends children

They have both grown so fast.

Both so precious in their own little ways.